Man’s Demystification! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: WHO

When I consider the effects of COVID-19 on man, I can’t but thank God that the braggadocious nature of humanity has been nipped in the bud.

At least for now!

Man has been effectively demystified. Indeed, it’s apparent that a third force, which I identify as God, is moving through the globe.

As scientific as we are, isn’t it curious that we’ve been unable to find a cure to this raging plague? It’s been so bad that some have named 2020 after the scourge.

I wouldn’t know which area of life the plague hasn’t affected. Schools have been shut down. Places of work have been reduced to working from home. Restrictions have been placed on globe-trotting.

In fact, it has contributed a lot to reducing our humanity. I say this because I have never seen situations in which two human beings would be afraid to approach each other. I’m the only one who has noticed that instead of walking past each other, either of the two would rather take a detour.

Some do it even when both are kitted “anticovidly” in face masks and gloves. That reminds me that the ‘leg shake’ was discovered this year.

I just can’t help but wonder how people in Ilorin, Kwara State, will greet each other. Before the era of COVID, Ilorin folks would spend at least ten minutes kowtowing while greeting each other.

But seriously, we should learn to live with the fact that man is not invincible, and neither is God.

Then we could start with personal cleanliness. We can then graduate to communal cleanliness.

I must confess that I don’t buy the crap of COVID originating from some wet Market in Wuhan, China or the 5G fable!


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