Hacking Government! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Cyber Express

I’m delighted this morning. That’s because the government of Nigeria and a couple of state governors have found a ‘permanent’ solution to social media’s incursion into an otherwise docile society.

Through social media, people learn about what’s happening in other countries and organize to destabilize the status quo.

The saddest thing is that they’ve chosen to be unaware that the tenant of Aso Villa, Baba Go Slow, is there just to enjoy his retirement.

For him, it’s, man at rest, do not disturb!

Therefore, governments have resorted to hacking social media accounts. The hacking gadgets must have set the governments back by some trillions.

But then, do they really care?

Well, if the governments had been led by thinking people, they wouldn’t have bothered their heads.

They will first be flouting people’s freedom of expression and right to privacy. But do they really care?

Second, in these austere times, I wonder what the government advisers are smoking that would have turned their brains in the wrong direction.

If I happened to be in government, I would have provided the basic commodities that our people need. And I don’t believe they need much to make them happy.

I’m sorry, our president shouldn’t be disturbed!


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