Every Nigerian is a debtor!

Photo credit: the tribune

The debt owed by every Nigerian, on average, stands at 619,501 naira. 

Sahara Reporters says that according to data published by the Debt Management Office, Nigeria’s public debt stood at 134,297 trillion naira in the second quarter of 2024 (June)

I wonder if the debt is just for Nigerians living in Nigeria or for people of all ages, including children. Again, would the debt be based on social status?

What about those not enjoying any basic amenities? Are they included?

Those who are internally displaced, those whose take-home pays can’t even take them home?

Would Nigeria’s debt have been so much if those who incurred the debts were punished?

Our problem is that we are borrowing from international lenders just to fill some private pockets. Please forget about the money being allocated to a particular project. Anyone can cook up a project, but what becomes of the proposal in later years?

For instance, a governor built 24 model schools. At least he completed the projects. But I wonder if any of the schools already have students. The people can’t afford the school fees.

Until we know what we want, we’ll just be allowing the ruling elite to hoodwink us.

Indeed, a people deserves its ruling class!

I’m not saying the country shouldn’t borrow. But every cent borrowed presumably for a project must be accounted for. And only economically beneficial projects should be approved.

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