Photo credit: Live Science
There’s this squirrel that normally comes around my bus stop. I believe it’s resident around there.
Whenever it’s around or whenever I happen to be around, it comes, wagging it’s bushy tail. Some people, usually whites, give it some peanuts and it even performs some stunts for them.
The stunts couldn’t have been for me because all the while I would be thinking how nice it would be to capture the animal. Not only that, I keep thinking what type of soup it would be good for.
It could be good for vegetable soup and iyan. It could also be okay for ila alasepo and fermented eba. If you prepare eba and leave it till the following day, it would have fermented.
Aha! The nicest one would be to prepare abula to be eaten with lafun Egba or amala isu!
I’m even thinking which part of the squirrel meat I should devour first.
But then, I remember that animals, like human beings have rights! So, I will have to bear with seeing the squirrel wagging its tail!!!