A Night Out of Many… – Adewale Sobowale

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The title of this post is an understatement. This is because there were so many nights of note in my life as a house master.

Of course, the night,as well as the days, are fully detailed in my forthcoming memoirs, ‘When Boys Were Boys’!

Like I said earlier, I was the house master in a school. The school is not your run of the mill school.

It’s a mission school!

In the school, pupils were given ample chance to participate in the chapel as choristers, offering collectors, and preachers.

There was a particular set of final year pupils who set about breaking every school rule. They were simply non conformists. Prefects among them were no better.

Of course, the prefects had fallen for peer group influence!

It was the rule in the school for time keepers to be picked from the next class. The time keeper happened to be an S.U.

On a particular Sunday, it was the time keeper’s turn to preach the sermon.

And preach he did!

He dwelt on the rascally behavior of his seniors. He also used relevant bible passages to support his sermon. The final year pupils didn’t show any sign of annoyance.

Around 11 pm of that day, when the evening prayers had been said and lights out followed, an incident happened. The final year pupils assembled in a class room. They then sent for the time keeper. He was encouraged to take his bible along.

When he got to the unholy assembly of his seniors, they forcefully instructed him to repeat the sermon he preached in the morning.

When he hesitated, they brought out belts ready to unleash their collective and individual angers on the poor boy.

One of the final year pupils went to report what waa happening to the house master. The house master then went to release the time keeper and dealt with the errant boys!

With the advantage of hindsight, there are so many thoughts that are coming to my mind. I will however reserve them for now.


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