Ma Ta’Mi Simi… Splatter? – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: National Pilot

I’m the most respectful person. But then, there’s a catch to it, ‘All things being equal’.

In any case, respect begets respect.

Nobody is begging anyone to offer themselves to serve the people. They must have something to offer the people in terms of qualitative services.

If they don’t have anything to offer, then they should expect the splatter of water from the drains.

In any case, they are answerable to the people. That’s if it’s a true democracy.

For crying out loud, in the case of Nigeria, the moment they are elected, the commonwealth begins to fend for them.

Like we all know, he who pays the piper dictates the tune.

Ma ta mi si mi l’ara ki n lo s’odo lo we!


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