Photo credit: But lama
Yeah, Nigeria should have been celebrating her independence today. She got her flag independence on this day in 1960.
But apart from government officials and their partners in crime, who in Nigeria can really celebrate with reckless abandon?
I know we should thank God for His little mercies over us. But then, the same God has provided all we need as a nation.
Is it the good soil, or climate? Is it the mineral resources that dot virtually every space in Nigeria?
Human resources nko? Those ones boku yanfuyanfu!
My old school principal used to say, ‘To whom much is given, much is expected.’
Nigeria has been a very surprising disappointment. We import virtually everything. Our currency is one of the worst in the whole wide world, in terms of exchange.
Our political terrain is a no go area. We always seek messianic interventions while we ourselves are sitting pretty.
Agriculture, which used to be our ready exports and means of sustenance has refused to save us because we have left the farms. We were cursed with petrodollars. Now, our oil no longer brings in the zillions.
Our industries have been taken over by churches. As if that’s not enough, the pastors go to any length in fleecing the gullible of their hard earned resources.
Our health centres have turned into death centres. It’s so bad that the incumbent president embarks on medical tourism almost every year in spite of the fantastic amount spent on the state house clinic.
But I’m consoled by the fact that when the people are ready, they will free themselves from the corruption and malgovernance that have infested the land.
Until then, Nigeria I wail thee!