Some Mothers Do Have Them! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: CSA images

In my last post, a stupid boy chose to advise me about ‘writing your life on fb’, in reference to me. I have chosen not to dignify the brat by naming him.

In the first instance, I’m embarrassed by the written English of the poor boy. By his own admission, he spent quite a lot of time, a lot more time outside the Grammar School, probably in school two, than inside the respected citadel of learning.

His gutter language surely does not belong to a Grammarian!

He then claimed that he attended the famous University of Lagos. If he truly did, then he must have passed through the school but the school never passed through him.

To cap it all, he claimed to have been living in America for the past forty years. In the first instance, how old is he? Anyway, that might come up later. But for a person to have spent forty years in the U.S. and still be writing that terribly, ah!

Emi dupe temi o!

Now, to his claims that I’m exposing my life on Facebook, please do ask him a simple question, ‘Is it your life?’

I would have unfriended or blocked him, but I want him to further expose his nonsense value. He says he used to take ganja, I don’t think he has stopped it or he possibly took much more than his normal ration.

By the way, I have nothing against the medical use of hemp.

If he had had a semblance of real education, he would have known that humour is therapeutic. If you don’t laugh at certain actions you take and bottle everything up, high blood pressure is not so far away from you.

What is my business with his spending a hundred years in America. Have I ever asked him for anything, even while in school?

He has portrayed a foolishness of the highest order. But tben, I do understand.


Some mothers do have them!


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